Vikings v. Rams
Event Information
Because Monday night’s Rams-Vikings game cannot be played in Los Angeles, the Arizona Cardinals organization is happy to assist and host the game at State Farm Stadium. We are committed to providing the staff and resources to ensure the best possible experience for the Rams, Vikings and all fans who attend.
Retractable Roof Movement
The position of the roof at State Farm Stadium will be determined on game day. Many factors are included in the final decision, however the comfort of all fans in attendance is our main concern. Research has determined that it can feel up to 15 degrees warmer than the air temperature when seated in direct sunlight. Fans can call the Cardinals Roof Hotline at 623-433-7663 on their way to the stadium to find out if the roof will be open or closed. For more information visit www.azcardinals.com/stadium/sun-studies. Sunscreen Packets are available at all Guest Services Booths.
Gameday Timeline
Carparks - 2PM
Great Lawn - 2PM
Heritage Beer Garden - 2PM
Club Gates - 2:45PM
Flight Deck - 2:45PM
Main Gates - 4:30 PM
Kickoff - 6PM
Digital Ticketing
Tickets and parking are now 100% digital. Traditional paper tickets, passes, and season ticket membership cards will not be available or distributed.
Parking Guidelines
Have your phone out with your parking pass located ready to be scanned upon arrival to the lots. On game days, parking in Sportsman’s Park is available to both ticket holders with pre-sold permits and single game parking. Single game parking, payable by credit or debit card only, is located in Black Lot, south of the stadium. Sportsman’s Park carparks open four (4) hours prior to kickoff for both vehicles and guests.
Tailgating Guidelines
One of the great traditions of football fans is enjoying time together with family, friends, and other fans before each home game. Tailgating in Sportsman’s Park or Team controlled parking areas where permitted is intended for game day ticket members only. Please only use above ground weights for your tents rather than ground stakes. Tailgating after kickoff or post-game is not permitted. All fans are reminded the Code of Conduct extends throughout Sportsman’s Park and all gameday parking areas.
Tailgating Guidelines
- Tailgating Activities: Tailgating activities can be defined as but not limited to, food preparation, music, watching television and sitting, standing and/ or loitering in a tailgate area, and is prohibited after kickoff.
- Alcohol Consumption: Excessive or underage consumption of alcohol will not be tolerated. Drinking games or any other activity that is linked to competitive or binge drinking are not permitted. Games or activities determined by security team members to be unsafe, or which could cause harm to other fans will not be allowed.
- Audio Equipment: Portable public address systems and DJs are not permitted and large portable radios, commercial speaker systems and sound systems inside vehicles cannot be used at excessive volume levels or play music not suitable for a public setting (i.e., profanity in lyrics) as determined by parking lot or security team members.
- Food and Beverages: Fans are limited to preparing/providing food and beverages for their family and friends only. Private catering companies or the sale of food or beverage items to other fans on Sportsman’s Park property or prior to gameday is not permitted.
- Generators: Small portable electric generators (6500W or less) are allowed; however, electrical cords cannot be placed across the parking area drive aisles, any sidewalk or create a trip hazard for other fans. Cords of any kind cannot be plugged into existing electrical outlets of State Farm Stadium or the Sportsman’s Park infrastructure.
- Grills: Natural gas or propane grills are permitted; however, charcoal / pellet grills and oil fryers are not permitted.
- Hours of Activity: Tailgating activities are permitted from the opening of all Cardinals parking areas (4 hours prior to game time) until kickoff only. Tailgating after the game has begun or post-game is not permitted.
- Parking Spaces: Tailgating in the parking lots must be limited to the area directly in front of or behind the vehicle. Tents and tailgating equipment must not extend beyond the red painted fire lanes, along sidewalks and painted walkways, or other areas deemed by stadium team members as an obstruction. Tailgating in empty stalls is prohibited, even with an unused parking permit. The dimensions of an ADA Parking Stall are 10.9’ x 18’. The dimensions of a Standard Parking Stall are 8.5’ x 18’. Both spaces come with an additional 5’ at the end of the parking spot leading up to the red fire lane line.
- Prohibited Items and Activities: Weapons of any kind, unmanned aircraft systems (drones, radio-controlled model aircraft, etc.), fireworks, glass containers, the sales of goods or services, advertising, or the display of commercial signage on tents are prohibited. Signage, posters, flags or displays that are identified by security personnel and deemed inappropriate, political in nature or offensive, are also prohibited.
- Tents: Fans are permitted to bring up to a 10’x10’ shade tent for use within Sportsman’s Park. Please only use above ground weights for your tents in both the carparks and grass areas and keep your tent within the red painted fire lane on the asphalt.
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Drones, radio-controlled model aircraft, etc. are prohibited. Possession or operation of such devices will result in immediate ejection from the area and law enforcement intervention.
- Waste: The Cardinals encourage all fans to reduce, reuse and recycle and dispose of all waste in appropriate waste and recycling containers located throughout all tailgating areas.
Failure to follow any of these guidelines could result in ejection and/or removal from the Great Lawn/Tailgating Areas.
Clear Bag Policy
The NFL Clear Bag Policy will be enforced for all games. State Farm Stadium strongly recommend fans to not bring any bags, however the following will be permitted: One clear bag no larger than 12” x 6” x 12” or a standard one (1) gallon freezer bag. Please review the complete bag policy by clicking here.
Security Screening
In accordance with NFL Best Practices for Stadium Security, below is what you can expect upon arrival to State Farm Stadium:
- Gates open 90 minutes prior to kickoff. Guests are encouraged to enter early as security checkpoints are the busiest during the 30 minutes leading up to kickoff.
- Magnetometers will be used to screen all fans at the security checkpoints.
- Prior to screening fans will be asked to keep all items in their hands, pockets or clear bags and to proceed through the magnetometer.
- If you alert when proceeding through the magnetometer, you will be directed to place all clear bags and carry-in items on the table next to the magnetometer for inspection. Please have bags open for security team members and be prepared to remove or open any item, if requested.
- Physical pat-downs will be a last resort for any fans who cannot pass through the magnetometer without alarms.
- Fans electing not to consent to the metal detector screening, physical pat down, or bag search will be denied entry into State Farm Stadium.
- Failure to comply with stadium policies will result in denied admittance.
As we work to provide a safe environment for fans to enjoy the game, we ask that you report any suspicious activity to the nearest security team members or uniformed law enforcement officer.
Prohibited Items
Fans are reminded that the following items will not be permitted inside State Farm Stadium. Mobile Lockers are available on the exterior of the stadium for guests to pay to secure most prohibited items. Items cannot be held by security teammates and should not be left unattended in landscape/carparks.
- Aerosol Cans
- Alcohol
- Animals (except for service animals)
- Bags not in accordance with the NFL Clear Bag Policy
- Balloons
- Banners or signs larger than 3’ x 2’
- Beverages other than one (1) factory-sealed, non-frozen 500mL (16.9 fl. Oz.) plain bottle of water (sport drinks and flavored water not permitted)
- Beverage containers – Glass bottles, cans, souvenir cups, and thermos bottles
- Brooms
- Cameras with professional photo lenses larger than 8” (Arizona Cardinals Games Only)
- Chewing tobacco
- Clothing deemed obscene or indecent
- Coolers of any kind
- E-cigarettes or vaporizer pens
- Fireworks
- Food (except for children under the age of two)
- Footballs and beach balls (inflated or deflated)
- GoPro cameras
- Illegal drugs
- Laptop computers
- Laser pointers
- Marijuana
- Mono/tripods
- Noise makers (whistles, horns, bells, etc.)
- Poles or sticks of any kind, including “Selfie-Sticks”
- Seat cushions except those which are one piece and have no zippers, pockets, or concealable areas
- Skateboards, golf carts, roller blades, or hoverboards
- Strollers, wagons, car seats
- Souvenir popcorn buckets
- Umbrellas larger than 12 inches in length
- Unmanned aircraft systems (drones, etc.)
- Video cameras
- Weapons including, but not limited to, explosives, firearms, & knives
- Any item deemed inappropriate or hazardous by stadium security
*Exceptions will be made for all medically necessary items after proper security inspection.
Please refer to the “Family Friendly Section” for additional info on Diaper Bags, Strollers, etc.
Family Friendly Information
Changing Stations
All men’s, women’s and family restrooms at State Farm Stadium are equipped with baby changing stations.
Diapers and wipes for all ages and sizes are available at all Guest Services Booths.
Entry Process & Ticketing Information for Children
Ticketing – All guests age 2 & older are required to have a ticket.
Family Specific Permitted & Prohibited Items
- Permitted:
- Bottles, Formula & Food Items – Must be unopened, carried in an approved size clear plastic bag and be accompanied by a child and/or infant under 2 years of age.
- Breast Pumps – Nursing Mothers can enter the stadium with breast pumps supplies at any gate. While breast pumps are not subject to the clear bag policy, they will be subject to search at the gates.
- Blankets and/or additional clothing – Subject to inspection at the gates.
- Soft Pack Coolers for Medical Needs
- Medications (i.e., epi pens, insulin, etc.) – Please email guestservices@statefarmstadium.com for specifics.
- Cloth Baby Carriers – Subject to inspection at the gates.
- Diapers, Wipes, Creams
- Prohibited:
- Diaper Bags – for infant’s needs, please email guestservices@statefarmstadium.com for specifics.
- State Farm Stadium allows smaller, umbrella-style strollers after proper inspection however, baby carriers cannot block aisles, rows, or seats.
- Umbrellas larger than 12 inches in length
Family Restrooms
Family restrooms are intended for the use of parents with small children and guests with disabilities, are outfitted with baby-changing tables and are ADA compliant. The family restrooms are located on the Main Level (near Section 102, 114, 124 & 136), Club Level (near Sections 204, 219, 230 & 247) and Terrace Level (near Sections 404, 421, 435 & 454.)
Diapers and wipes for all ages and sizes are available at all Guest Services Booths.
Food Allergies/Medical Food Needs
Gluten free food and beverage options are available at select concession stands. If a guest has specific dietary/medical needs and must bring in special food items, they should contact guestservices@statefarmstadium.com prior to the event for additional information.
Safe in the Seat Child Locator Wristbands
Young fans are encouraged to pick up a Safe in the Seat Child Locator Wristband at either the Gate 2 Plaza Table or a Guest Services Booth. The child’s ticket location and contact phone number can be written on the wristband in the event a child is separated from their party. Guest Services Booths are located on the Main Level (near Sections 104 & 123) and Terrace Level (Sections 417-448).
Sensory Room
A Sensory Room is located on the Main Concourse near the Guest Services Booth at Section 104. This sound-protected space includes sensory active wall displays, sensory toys, low lighting, bean bag chairs and sensory bags.
Privacy/Nursing Rooms
Privacy/Nursing Rooms are located on the Club Level in the elevator atrium at Section 2.
Guest Assistance
If you require assistance during game day or wish to report a Code of Conduct violation, stadium staff can be reached at:
- Game Day Hotline: 623-433-7156
- Game Day Text Message Hotline: Text your concern and location to 623-400-2210
Wheelchair Assistance
Wheelchair assistance is available to guests upon entry into the stadium and is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Requests for wheelchair assistance can be made by asking a stadium staff member or by visiting a Guest Services Office located near Sections 104, 123, 417 and 448.
The stadium will provide wheelchairs and a staff member to escort guests to their seats, but it is requested that mobility impaired patrons be accompanied by another adult in their party. Upon arrival at the seating location, guests are required to surrender wheelchairs to stadium staff.
Guests with Disabilities
Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive Listening Devices (ALD’s) are available at all four Guest Services Booths which are located along on Main Level (near Sections 104 & 123) and Terrace Level (Sections 417 & 448). Fans will be asked to leave a valid driver’s license or other form of identification when the ALD is checked out.
Accessible Parking
All Sportsman’s Park carparks and most off-site gameday parking lots have signed accessible parking spots. Vehicles must have a valid Cardinals mobile parking permit to enter Sportsman’s Park or off-site gameday parking areas. A state-issued ADA hangtag or license plate is required to park in a signed disabled spot. Please contact the Cardinals Ticket Office at 602-379-0102 for more information on accessible parking. Accessible parking is available on a firstcome, first-served basis.
Accessible Cart Service
Courtesy cart service is available for disabled fans from accessible parking areas to the stadium plaza security checkpoints. These carts are for disabled fans and one companion only. The carts will only take fans to the closest entrance as there is no cart service available inside State Farm Stadium. The cart service will be available two hours prior to the game until one hour following the conclusion of the game. Post-game fans should wait at the ADA Shuttle Tents adjacent to where they were dropped off by the Accessible Cart and check-in with the Guest Service team member under the tent to schedule a ride back to their vehicle within Sportsman’s Park. Accessible Carts DO NOT give rides to parking lots outside of Cardinals Parking Lots. Please note that ADA cart service is only available within Sportsman’s Park Carparks, BLU Lot G, and the Black Lot.
Accessible Seating
Accessible seating is located on all levels at State Farm Stadium, including all Premium Spaces. All levels can be accessed by the elevators located near the five stadium entrance locations. One power outlet is available at each accessible seating platform for the use of guests with electric wheelchairs and other medical equipment. Emergency Evacuation Guests with disabilities should contact the nearest guest service or security team member for assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation as elevators and escalators will not be available for use.
Open Captioning
State Farm Stadium provides open captioning service for the stadium public address system. Open captioning is displayed under the north and south videoboards throughout Cardinals game day. In addition, closed captioning is available via smart phones which are available free of charge at the Gate 1 Guest Services Booth (across from Section 104).
There are 50 restrooms located throughout State Farm Stadium. All men, women and family restrooms are ADA accessible and equipped with a babychanging table. Please ask any team member for directions to the closest restroom. The family restrooms are located on the Main Level (near Section 114 & 136), Club Level (near Sections 204, 219, 230 & 247) and Terrace Level (near Sections 404, 421, 435 & 454.)
Seat Relocations
To accommodate patrons with limited mobility or in wheelchairs without the specific ticket for such seats, their ticket along with a companion ticket may be exchanged for the proper seating area at the Ticket Office or Guest Services Bopth. These seats are limited in number and are available on a first-come, firstserve basis. ADA seating is available at a first-come, first-served basis.
Service Animals
Guide, signal and documented service animals are allowed inside State Farm Stadium with fans that need their assistance. No pets or other animals are permitted. Should a service animal require a Relief Area at any point in the game, please approach the nearest Guest Services Booth for assistance.
Wheelchairs & Mobility Assistance Devices
Wheelchair assistance is available to guests and is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Requests can be made by asking a stadium team member or by visiting a Guest Services Office located near Sections 104, 123, 417 and 448. The stadium will provide wheelchairs and a staff member to escort guests to their seats, but it is requested that mobility impaired patrons be accompanied by another adult in their party. Upon arrival at the seating location, guests are required to surrender wheelchairs to stadium staff. State Farm Stadium does not have storage for any mobility assistance devices; however, they are allowed through security checkpoints after proper inspection. Mobility Assistance Devices cannot block aisles, rows, or seats.
Code of Conduct
State Farm Stadium is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for all fans at State Farm Stadium, Sportsman’s Park and throughout our parking areas. Our staff will promptly intervene to support an environment free from unruly or disruptive behavior including the following:
- Failure to comply with stadium policies, including any existing health and safety protocols, or those that may be implemented by the CDC, state/local officials or NFL during the season.
- Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature.
- Intoxication or other signs of alcohol or substance impairment that results in irresponsible behavior.
See the comprehensive Code of Conduct.